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목사님, 시간이 좀 지난 문자관련 숙제입니다...ㅎ

아브라함이 칼데아 우르(Ur-도시이름), 수메르지역에서 피난 나와서 하란을 거쳐 가나안 지방에 정착했다면, 수메르 사람이라고 할 수 있는데요. 그 Sumer, Shumeru..아직까지도 풀지 못한 숙제인데... 제가 그 부분을 조금은 풀어볼 수 있지 않나해서 관련 유튜브에 올린 글입니다:

본래 우르 지방을 앗시리아인들이 sumer-수메르 라하고, 수메르 자신들은 "웅상(기가)" 라 하는데... 그 웅상-ungsang 을 영어로 "black head(ed)" 로 직역하여 이걸 풀어보려고 애쓰고 있는데요 제가 보기엔 번지수를 잘못 짚고 있는 형국인거 같습니다. 우리가 쓰고 알고 있는 말로 쉽게 이해할 수 있어서 우리말을 같이 쓰던 우리 조상님들 일부가 거기까지 옮겨가 살은거 같고요~ 이 분들이 처음으로 문자시스템을 만들고 문명을 이루고... 하여 역사는 수메르에서 시작되었다고도 하지요:Sumer was called by Assyrian and Sumerian did themselves as Ungsanggigga what black headed comes from. Then we may deduce "Sumer" has same meaning as "Ungsanggigga"-웅상기가, black head.With Korean we can access all them very easily:-Sang in Ungsang can be translated as "head", meaning as leader religiously & politically, and other as "trading people(?)", too. -Ung is used as "bear" in animal or "male, man"-수컷 웅. Bear-곰 in Korean pronounces closely "black"-검. So it seems to me Ungsang was just literary translated as black head, but it be more realistically as outstanding head or excellent leader.-Su in sumer we have excellent or outstanding meaning, or Su colloquial means male from Ung literary and "mer", meru is closely pronounced meori-머리(no vowel in English) as head in Korean by simple vowel changes.-So Ungsang by Sumerian as literary style-문어체로 like Latin, what was directly translated black head has the same meaning Sumer, what looks more colloquial style-구어체로 by Assyrian.-Gigga means as ethnic group or family.The writing system as cuneiform by Sumerian, first glyph in east Asia developed Chinese character and scientific Korean alphabet system Hangul looks very well connected, and more Sumerian diaspora around BC19C who were religious and trading people at Canaan or Ugarit might stimulate Alphabet development.Please come in Korean and I am sure you will find much more about Sumerian!