365 pocket promises Bible

365 Pocket Promises from the Bible (Day 295)

A promise about COMPASSION

When your heart needs to be moved with Christ’s compassion

Moved with compassion, Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” MARK 1:41

Compassion is a deeply seated emotion. You experience it when your heart is truly touched and you sincerely care for someone in need. Compassion can be a litmus test of your commitment and desire to love others as Christ loves you. To be Christlike is to show the same compassion that Jesus showed toward the poor, the sick, the needy-those who cannot help themselves. If you are not moved by the incredible needs and hurts of the people around you, you might develop a heart of stone that could become too hard to respond either to God or to others. Let Christ’s compassion keep your heart soft and responsive.

Is your heart becoming more compassionate toward those in need?